Too Drunk To Dream

…ain’t no drinking when the bottle’s dry…

R.I.P. Mary Lillian Ellison "The Fabulous Moolah"

I just wanted to take this opportunity to recognize The Fabulous Moolah, star of the squared-circle for over 50 years. She passed away on Nov. 2nd of undisclosed causes. Moolah was a highly decorated wrestler who had basically held her title for the better part of 30 years. She got her name from her desire to make money doing what she loved, and she did just that, wrestling and making appearances until shortly before her death at the age of 83.

I remember sitting in front of the TV on Saturday mornings in the early 80’s, me being 8
years old and there was Moolah, wrestling for Vincent McMahon’s WWF Women of Wrestling, systematically beating every beautiful female wrestler that would dare come before her. She was apparently in her 60’s at that time. Jesus…..

Well, I just found out about your passing today, Moolah, and I’m sad. Your were an institution, and I feel like a little piece of my childhood just passed along with you. My next drink will be in your honor.

“To hell with toasts, let’s drink!”

addendum: On a musical note, Moolah once dated none other than Hank Williams, and was good friends with Elvis and Jerry Lee Lewis…. I’ll drink to that, too!

November 20, 2007 Posted by | the fabulous moolah, wrestling, wwf | Leave a comment